The great American scheme actually…

The privately-owned District of Columbia Corporation, a law unto itself ever since it began…

Denial over illegal actions of the New World Order pretty-much destroys truth everywhere…

Just like to point out here the words conspiracy, and theory, don’t mean the same thing…

You’re not quite what you claim to be are you America, and you never were, were you…

How did things get so bad is a question that’s often to be asked before things get worse…

I’m waiting to give evidence on US Central Intelligence Agency crimes against humanity…

The great American dream Washington used to shill? ~ Great American scheme more like it!

Their 40th president’s father Prescott and his boys treated the US like the idiots they are…

Okay perhaps idiots is too strong a word to use there, how about suckers, or Um, morons?

Still the integrity of America waits for witnesses to their Govt’s crimes to get old and die?

You remember the Patriot Act don’t you, Freemasons get together and act like patriots…

Anything’s possible with a well-coordinated Patriot Act, anything except maybe patriotism…

A mighty superpower brought low with a Patriot Act, and that’s the way it’s always been too…

Anyway here’s today’s headline banner repeated here with explanations for the unlearned…

America, governed by an Aryan conspiracy under offspring of the Rus-born Aryan Rasputin…

It may not meet everyone’s standards of presenting a balanced dissenting viewpoint into all the garbage you’re all spoonfed by those who ran both sides of American politics since the Civil War and indeed ran both sides of that too, however by the very complicated nature of these blogs and my lack of resources to do a more intensive effort this will have to do ~ First, take note both Hitler and Prescott Bush have birth certificates that do  NOT  mention they’re biological half-brothers with both literally also being a half-brother to one of Rasputin’s other evil illegitimate offspring the world knows as the Georgian-born Joseph Stalin ~ So not only does Prescott Bush’s American birth certificate not mention his Russian birth, it doesn’t make any kind of a mention of Grigory Rasputin as his biological father nor mention the fate of the American born child who rightfully owned that American birth certificate Prescott used throughout his life in America, and likewise Hitler’s Austrian birth certificate doesn’t mention he was born in mother Russia and not Austria, and Rasputin was his biological father too as well ~ Then you get to President Ronald (Fcuking) Reagan who looks way more like Prescott than 41 ever did and also bears more than a passing resemblance to his grandfather Grigory Rasputin, and thus the circle is squared until WW3…

Children whose birth certificates they used were usually murdered, the penny drop yet?

The penny dropped yet? ~ You’re  ALWAYS  being lied to about everything…


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