Selling that Covid-19 sucker-jab still?

A pun for Chinese, they may not get much political humor in China, but, America sure does…

And Skippy, I’m plainly not guilty of incitement under any state Covid-law, simply mockery 😉

Just gets stupider and stupider and stupider when Govt tries to manipulate people by lying…

Lying is the correct word to use too, a deliberate deception thru serial factual dishonesty…

Now I’m not ImPutin(Snigger)  you’re all pussies by that graphic America, definitely not…

Just trying to remind you the US Fed was created with gold that Aryans stole from Russia…

Better reset your political vision America, since 1933 there was dirty-business afoot…

But chill if you think I’m just picking on you,  the whole world caught the same disease…

Does America even know it’s a base for a worldwide fascist Nazi takeover and always was?

The wide world over the offspring of the British queen’s Odessa sell Covid-19 sucker-jabs…

Notice I’d said offspring of her Odessa, offspring of her old (Aryan) Masonic Odessa…

You heard of the British queen, that German Lady who serves the Aryan world order?

Now getting back to my core point for this post, selling a Covid-19 sucker-jab vaccine…

Been a shitload of chemical-slow-kill political murders under their Covid-19 cover-story…

I’d remind the world that when Chinese in Wuhan City endured 1800 state-sanctioned chemical slow kill political murders, they also had their fascist central Govt in Beijing try to force vaccines onto them and the people of Wuhan stated that these vaccines damaged their IQ as in after the vaccine their IQ diminished, are the rest of you gonna let the Aryan Nazi do you that way too?

Seeing the face mask is so obviously a lie, then why believe the rest of their deception?

This world lets these elite Masonic liars con their way out of everything…

Still waiting to give evidence on US Govt ritual baby-torture murders…

You allowed liars to corrupt your truths, you still let them…

How many political dissenters have been murdered under the fascist Covid-conspiracy now?

RE: Conspiracy ~ You deny the obvious resemblance of these evil Aryan-descent men?

See how much (Vic-lockdown) Premier Andrews looks like his real biological father yet?

Take an interest in those still lying to you about their Chinese bat-virus, find out why…

So again I’d remind you that when folk in Wuhan City endured 1800 state-sanctioned chemical slow kill political murders, they also had their fascist central Govt in Beijing try to force vaccines onto them and the people of Wuhan stated that these vaccines damaged their IQ as in after the vaccine their IQ diminished, are the rest of you gonna let the evil Aryan keep blowing you off?

See how much Prescott Bush looked like his father and grandfather, the Aryan Rasputin?

If you’re a brainwashed (sic) bathead, Rasputin inseminated an illegitimate daughter…

The truth is we’re all governed by his Luciferian Aryan cult controlling Masonic Lodges…

Some of those are offspring of the same minds who pulled the last two world wars in addition to Korea Vietnam Cambodia Iran Sri Lanka and the Middle East destabilization Washington achieved on behalf of their real masters, the old Aryan bloodline that sprang from old Iran ~ These are they who got away with Iraq’s gold and Libya’s gold and Afghanistan’s Lithium, and, just like the Mad Cow disease they pulled in Britain, their Covid is a cover story for malicious chemical slow-kills…

Now what about you Skippy, still in some kind of doubt about what’s been going down?

The thing with this born-to-rule Aryan bloodline Govt…

Well maybe you’re a fcuking idiot then Skippy, a total fcuking idiot…

Now after such a litany of bizarre claims in such a short blog it’s needful to remind the average idiot of a few home-truths they’ve been deliberately misguided over, but first a comment on the gullible nature of the human mind ~ A few 1000 years ago the Aryan’s who’d already walked away with the entire national wealth of Egypt, afterwards telling the people that an omnipotent angry invisible cosmic magi deity told them to steal all the gold and then parted the Red Sea using the power contained in Moses’s magic shtick (Staff) to do the business end, well they decided that it would be easy to convince people a cadaver had risen three days after death and once they’d done that then the collective rationale of our human herd would forever be as-if putty in their hands…

Think about it, all thru the last two millennia we’ve always been totally dumbed down…

All things considered, you’d have to accept that rationale isn’t strong at the moment…

That was two jets knocking down three skyscrapers, is that your story still America?

And Muslims, they hated you that much they spent six months wiring-up WTC7?

Mask-up and Vax to protect us from a mutating Chinese bat-virus?

Come-on America, come-on, you can do this, you can tell the truth…

You’re free to tell the truth about anything, about everything, you can do it…

This here is more of my Ohio-born 1st Amendment in action, I’m speaking truth to power…

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