Trillions of dollars of funny stuff…

The context here is obviously a bat-virus, at least that’s what Washington keeps implying…

Does Washington still try to tell you that these blogs of mine are just a joke America, still?

I’m the author of these blogs so I’d know, and not all of the subject matters are funny…

What if some of the posts are indeed funny but aren’t in any way a fcuking joke Huh?

Graphic above is funny sort-of, everyone thinks Heath Ledger is a hoot, and he is too…

I’m waiting for the public to judge my evidence on nine CIA baby-torture murders…

Obviously I’ll need a barrister to do it in a truly professional manner…

Everything I’d witnessed CIA do transcribed in a professional manner…

Until then I’m simply lawfully amusing myself in my own warped way…

Making fun of Washington’s fascists and the idiocies they come up with…

Maybe all that CIA terror as a kid permanently warped my young mind?

Or maybe I’m 100% normal and it’s Washington that’s warped?

You gonna have to tell the truth one day tho…

Till then you’re a treasonous contradiction…

The implication there is that it’s all fake, all of it, your Covid-sham, it’s all fcuking fake…

And Um, honestly, you’re all fcuking idiots too now aren’t you…

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