A dictionary definition of an idiot lie?

Maybe Batman medical science and police will get to the heart of the real problem in the NWO?

The problem was a mutating Chinese bat-virus pandemic crisis, or so they’re all claiming now…

Coming so soon after your Sept 11 idiocies, a radical Confucian Chinese bat-virus pandemic?

Christ implied the god of this world is the father of lies, and of the Schwanzlutscher I’d add…

We can’t go past Washington’s example of the dictionary definition of a Schwanzlutscher…

Schwanzlutscher is a German word, but Schwanzlutschering (sic) didn’t originate there tho…

As you can see Schwanzlutschering was even practiced by Pharoah in biblical Egyptian times…

Oh-yeah, idiot lies, back to the post’s core subject…

Vaccines were designed in China specifically to lower IQ to a more manageable level…

Playing devil’s advocate, I’d also heard Chinese activists claim they were designed by the CDC and the Wuhan labs were chosen as the blame boys by the Knight of Malta world Aryan government so it’s plausible both are true, the Chinese labs certainly tested them on Chinese citizens and the CDC also has a disgusting history of things like weapons-testing the Ebola virus in Africa too as well…

Any way you look at it there’s far too many idiotic lies active in this Faux pandemic…

You were all lied to, yet still you’ll pretend what you’re told now is a plausible scenario?

Meanwhile high-grade Afghan Lithium ore is processed in China by DC’s criminal buddies…

I’d often used to say intelligent revolution is the only solution, note the word intelligent…

And again, you still need to hear what CIA did to babies in Australia in the 60’s America…

And yet again a short repeated written comment ~ Real friends got me two years of top-shelf Platinum Plus private no CoPay healthcare because they were friends, supporters got the means together for 50+ days with a barrister to write down my evidence in a professional manner about the 20 child murders I’d witnessed the US CIA do firsthand by the time I’d turned 13 years old…

Any sort of honorable upright American responded to my Ohio-born 5th Amendment by telling me the precise allegation or accusation Biden used to place me on the USA Patriot Act proscribed person list making that one act of genuine resistance to Washington’s criminality a core element to whatever other aims their various groups respond to, while any woman who really loved me in the sense of real love (And wasn’t already dead) respectfully offered to clean my flat up for me and even wash my clothes ~ Those who did none of the above most likely weren’t real friends andor weren’t true supporters and weren’t all honorable and weren’t upright and didn’t really love me in any way whatsoever, for whatever reason, like patriotism in the US Congress, they were just faking it…

None of that is a joke, nothing in this entire post is just a fcuking joke America…

Try not to confuse my accurate sarcasm with humor…

Army ranger Rumsfeld (Sandman) and Dick Cheney…

Waiting for a barrister to write down my evidence, not for Washington to tell the truth…

Washington repeating an old demo as if it was on Jan 06 was a dead giveaway wasn’t it?

Now as man whose biological father was a WW2 Nazi I’ve something uncomfortably true to say to the entire German race, fellow Germans if you will, and in the context of this particular perspective meaning every single German who’s existed since an ancient Iranian (Aryan) military force invaded Gaul 2600 years ago and slaughtered all of the adult Celt males then inseminated all of the young Celt girls and little Celt-boys there ~ Thru the British monarchy Germans controlled the nation of Russia in WW1 and obviously Britain and also in case you never knew have run America since its inception as well as all other Euro nations involved in that tragedy, and despite what the movies imply Germans were in control of the Allied Forces in WW2 as well, literally, meaning twice in the last 120 years Germans have themselves destroyed their own country in war and I’ve got this to say about the plans of those who control the evil race I’d been born into ~ Twice already they wrecked their own country in a broad Masonic conspiracy seeking international dominance and control of average folk thru the use of genocide and war but, long ago I’d heard of a plan which calls for the complete high tech destruction of every major population center on earth, including Berlin…

Please don’t dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, I’d heard firsthand from well informed Nazis and other Germans about demolition teams from Odessa sabotaging the Ruhr valley dams and killing their fellow German’s in the process, arranging with German-descent Masons over in Britain for a cover story of the bouncing bombs to hide that shameful treasonous farce ~ Then the fire bombing of Dresden which again was arranged with friendly German-descent Masons in the Allied Bomber Command to get rid of a political problem, and finally the political problem they were trying to get rid of which was ordinary folk complaining about the German Army being deliberately stranded by the German High Command in the middle of a Russian Winter, and THAT is the real German…

Now again, I’ve also heard of a German plan to destroy Berlin, you think that’s a joke?

So in context, who do you think really attacked America on Sept 11 Yankee Doodle

Responding to my Ohio-born 5th Amendment
may not cure all of your woes America, but it will
help to re-establish the concept that the US Govt
needs to be held accountable for all the claims it
makes within their whored political system…

What did Biden accuse me of, assholes…

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