Bordering on moral bankruptcy Huh?

Around 2 billion dead was the number of murders 41 told me they were planning…

That’s him there, one of Prescott’s German-born sons, they played you all as fools…

That was in 1971 and he was referring only to WW3 and not what will follow that…

How many of their lies can you roll over for people, all of you, everywhere, idiots…

Anyway, still just waiting to give evidence on US Govt crimes against humanity…

And waiting on my Ohio-born 5th Yankee Doodle cocksucker-dandy…

That’s no joke, my Ohio-born 5th Amendment Yankee Doodle dandy…

The price you pay for hypocrisy is way higher than that $23 trillion sucker…

Perhaps all of you have short memories and thus don’t remember a damn thing that might tend to disagree with the soundbite-reality constantly fed to you by the pawned electronic media, if that is the case, just one perspective on a deficit debt asset strip economy Prescott’s boys Ronnie Raygun and 41 gave you via their Reaganomics asset strip, a small (sic) part of the dishonesty by employees of the District of Columbia Corporation in Washington at the moment and also those in the gov’s mansions and state legislatures of America prattling on about a Chinese bat virus ruining the big economic miracle that the King of Debt Faux TRump gave you as he borrowed Ronnie’s shtick and claimed to have attempted to make America great again ~ In addition to giving Odessa-controlled China all of your 18 klms per second kinetic energy weapon technology along with the plutonium ion gas battery tech that powers them, Slick Willy Clinton also gave the owners of the DC Corp in Washington America’s entire cashed up Social Security fund in the late 1990’s simply to meet one single interest payment due that year on the staggering private debt that was deliberately created both for the sake of greed and also to finance a fascist Aryan takeover of the system of govt in the United States leading into the Masonic Coup on the US Constitution on Sept 11 and to maintain a constant abuse of truth decency human rights and freedom that has gone down ever since…

Do you have any concept at all how far down the rathole you are America?

I’ll place a break here, consider that section above before you move on…


This man below is Odessa SS Walter Kutschmann, an Aryan Freemason…

He’s one of the current (German) British monarch’s illegitimate cousins…

I’m growing tired of saying this but I’ll say it again anyway, thanks to the eugenic skills of Joseph Mengele backed by the looted Nazi gold that the US Fed financed WW2 Aryan Nazis to loot from Europe and elsewhere that man Kutschmann pictured immediately above next to his illegitimate father the mad Russian monk known as Rasputin, is the biological father and\or grandfather of approximately 10 million offspring worldwide and that includes the next British queen if Adolph Eichmann’s illegitimate grandson Prince William is crowned king of England, and the current holy Roman (sic) pope whatever his name is, along with one past American president (Obama) and one past and one present American vice president (Pence and Harris) plus current American Secretary of State Blinken as well as several American state governors and more current members of the United States congress than you Yanks could shake a weiner at, not to mention one past Australian Prime Minister (Keating) and literally a forebear of every state premier that Australia currently has plus he’s also the torture murderer of Australia’s Joanne Ratcliffe, so damn him AND his seed…

That was your 41st president who helped set all this up America, Gee, thanks…

The Nazi featured in this following video is that same Odessa SS Kutschmann…


Still no practical real-time support with resources, dummies, you Orwellian dummies…

The title of this blog is still Total Mockery and Shockery so prepare to get mocked…

And here’s the pun, what’s got 535 assholes 535 heads and 535 treasonous black hearts?

Think carefully, what’s this all got to do with that Victorian govt official just above then?

That one’s a little bit tricky, like a 360-degree flat rotation on a dirt-bike midair…

The answer is whatever you want it to be, but still, I’m waiting to give evidence…

Not just on those nine baby-torture murders, on other totally serious stuff too…

Mocking my posts still? ~ But two jets do three skyscrapers, and a bat virus right?

Finally, a great old song for all of the oldies like me…

No, it has nothing to do with the post, you noticed?

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