The United States of Washington is it?

I’ve concluded you don’t really know squat America, here’s why I’m thinking that…

No not that, that’s just a bit of accurate mockery about your current political regime…

None of these above or below, they’re just the signs of a Masonic conspiracy disorder…

Here’s why I’m thinking you don’t really know squat, see unless you were living under a rock you might have already learned that the United States Central Intelligence Agency had their New York office in WTC7 of the World Trade Center, you might have already concluded there was zero chance of a fire jumping 300 feet between the buildings to start an office furniture fire which supposedly caused a steel-framed concrete skyscraper to collapse, ergo the certainty someone with full access to the entire building had to have spent six months prior to the collapse wiring the building up for demolition, yet even tho that proves it was an inside job with the possibility of wiring a building up for demolition under the noses of America’s premier spy service without being noticed being nada that’s still not why I’m thinking you don’t know squat ~ Only for the sake of the brevity of this post I’ll also ignore a fortune in gold stolen by Special Forces from the Libyan port city of Benghazi at the same time Washington claims Muslims held their embassy seige and I’ll also ignore the billions of dollars they made from their Afghan opium x Mexican heroin pipeline flying product in at 30,000 feet to land at National Park runways while you’re continually told by the Masonic directors of the United States of Washington corporation that it’s coming in over the southern border by land…

You’ve been brainwashed haven’t you precious, relentlessly fcuking brainwashed…

Not wanting to bury you in too many hard facts that the United States of Washington will only drown in well-practiced denials concocted within their Masonic Lodges I’ll also ignore the trillions of dollars of Afghan Lithium that’s already been shipped down into China while the deceivers of Washington pretend Beijing and them just don’t get along, anyway I’ll get to the fcuking point…

The reason I’m thinking you don’t know squat is you know Washington are serial liars by now but every time I’ve asked the American people to respond to my Ohio-born 5th Amendment by telling me the precise allegation or accusation Joe Biden used to place me on the proscribed person’s list of the US Patriot Act, you do squat, which in effect sooner rather than later means neither you nor your offspring will have such constitutional rights yourselves, plus, you’re ignoring the fact that I’m an eye-witness to crimes against humanity committed against babies and older kids by Central Intelligence Agency employees and operatives literally related to Prescott Bush who were in the business of conducting ritual Knight of Malta Masonic child murders on company time…

So that’s why I’m thinking you don’t know squat, because basically, you don’t know squat…

And again, myself? ~ Um, like the poet said, I’m just seeking true justice and liberty, or death…


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