God save the Queen then, gentlemen!

You’d be right asking why did a lying madness creep in to this Chinese bat-virus cover story…

No need to take offence just because a lobotomy mocks you lying bastards…

After all, you gotta expect that as leaders of the free (sic) world don’t you…

I’m starting to get REALLY annoyed at the programmed cocksuckery about Antifa and the BLM which often appears on YouTube page videos and comments ~ When they started, both Antifa and the BLM contained all sorts of people, decent young people with no political skills in the real-world politique of America that saw Kennedy’s death faked in Dealy Plaza using a half-brother of one of Prescott’s illegitimate sons Werner Von Braun who worked for the US Secret Service as Kennedy’s security identity double, all presidents and most major world leaders have identity doubles by the way which are used for various reasons including but not limited to matters of national security, then saw around 70 witnesses to that shooting of that half brother of Werner Von Braun in the Limo from the Grassy Knoll by an ex-Army Ranger nicknamed SANDMAN by fellow CIA endure an abnormally high number of faked Ford Explorer rollovers and fiery Volvo crashes along with obvious murders and other early deaths by mugging cancer and all sorts of tragic whatnot…

Think Sept 11 defense secretary if you’re trying to work out who Sandman really is…

But anyway back to my point, in a highly complicated political situation in America here’s these average naive kids who joined Antifa and the BLM hoping to make the world better stuck in the mud far deeper than they’d skills to deal with as well as being dogged by paid infiltrators whose sole purpose was to ensure that no effective 3rd force ever rose to challenge the status quo of the Masonic hierarchy who rule Americans ~ At the risk of repeating myself that’s the same Masonic heirarchy that faked the Dealy Plaza shooting with a lookalike for Kennedy before facilitating the untimely deaths of around 70 witnesses and then used US Special Forces to abduct US Military in Vietnam while using Agent Orange as a cover story for the deliberate chemical contamination of food and water for troops by their own Govt to basically ensure that when they returned stateside after the war they were disempowered by one form of serious chronic health disability or another, then aided the Prusso-Aryan rulers of China in enslaving around a million Cambodians to build China’s DUMB bunker system by carpet bombing the BJesus out of a non-combatant Cambodian civilian population before helping the Aryan Iranian Ayotollah screw over one million 14 y\o boy Iranian soldiers for the same purpose which was nothing more than to provide slave labor…

Now you’ll let me know if I’m typing too fast for you to keep up won’t you Homer…

Some of those poor Iranian boy soldiers wound up in Oz for awhile while they were acting as the lifetime non-paid slaves for the Fourth Reich building the DUMB bunker system that exists here in this country that I’m in right now with a huge bunker extending halfway underneath what they’ll call Port Phillip Bay and another stretching 30 miles underground from the Australian capital of Canberra out to the nearby NSW city of Cooma ~ After that America’s real enemies poisoned US Military in Gulf War One and then claimed it was toxicity from oil rig fires, do you remember?

They also ran Columbian cocaine stateside at 30,000 feet in $10 million dollar Executive jets as indeed they still do, flying it in side by side with the Afghan opium they grow in Afghanistan and turn into heroin in Mexico, and then they pulled the Sept Coup on my Ohio-born US Constitution although, truth be told, since early childhood I’ve rarely been able to claim those rights in the US Constitution in a timely enough manner to ever matter, that list goes on and on, and then some…

Anyway they can’t all be bad kids in BLM and Antifa so get a clue, it seems as tho nobody with any real-world experience in the complicated convoluted multi-level Machiavellian world of Masonic Psy-Ops and black-ops who actually knows what they’re doing is there to tell them when and tell them where how and why they’re being so despitefully used by America’s real deep state enemies, and those enemies are those in your Knight of Malta Masonic Lodges who financed Adolf Hitler using cash from their Wall St asset-strip and also the gold that Knight of Malta Mason Roosevelt seized from America by presidential decree, and then pulled the Sept Coup ~ So if you take all of that into account sometimes you disgust me America even before I’ve mentioned the all-night torture sessions CIA put me thru as a defiant 3 y\o or the nine outright Aboriginal baby-torture murders I’d witnessed by the age of 10 years old or the outright torture-murders of a further five older Aboriginal girls I’d witnessed in Adelaide Sth Australia by the time I’d turned 13 years old…

Don’t allow Washington and Whitehall to control the dialogue anymore, got it?

So are you ever going to respond to my Ohio-born 5th Amendment, well are you?

In the mid 70’s after hardcore MK-Ultra torture by that German-born cnut up in the top right corner of the graphic above, a German-born son of Queen’s cousin Prescott Bush, the one whom America to this day still wrongly calls George Herbert Walker Bush, same one who engineered the abduction and torture-murder of my Rus-born cousin Mary, one of the sweetest human beings I’ve ever met to this day, he basically set-me-up as the fall-guy scapegoat blame boy for their (Fake) Cambodian genocide cover story that Knight of Malta Masons ran to hide their abduction of one million Cambodians by China for slave labor to build deep underground military bunkers, he did that by getting me to say something to some dumb ‘ISO’ international socialist order fool along the lines of suggesting to the Khmer Rouge that they do what they were already doing as in do away with all of the intellectuals and go back to year one, start again, build a new society…

By the way, most of the graphics are for politically illiterate average people…

If you’ve never undergone any drug-based serial brainwashing and torture by CIA or any other of the world’s official state intelligence organisation lackeys that the victorious Third Reich has used as their front ever since the real ending of WW2 when they got clean away with Europe’s gold by stashing much of it in Crimea and the rest in Switzerland, then you may not fully understand why at the time as a terrorised tortured 14 y\o boy I’d just said what I’d been told to say then moved on with my larger (Lawful) plan to avenge their murders of my Rus-born birth mother and baby sister in Ohio on the day of my birth in late 56′ but anyway ~ All thru the 1970’s and beyond him and his Luciferian political buddies in the Masonic Lodges literally blamed me behind the scenes for the consequence of all of the Cambodian genocide when it wasn’t even real, like with Germany’s Nazis and their big holocaust which consisted of around 5.6 million abductions for slave labor and only 400,000 deaths in the camps the real number of murders by the admittedly vicious Aryan Pol Pot regime that America’s CIA secretly supported was far lower than was stated, somewhere in the region of 40,000 to 100,000 deaths, but I’d been unofficially blamed for it, now to my point…

Since way back then America hasn’t once honored my 5th Amendment right to hear what I’d been accused of so as to answer whatever that was in real time and they’re still not responding so again, I’d like to know what Joe Biden accused me of to place me on the US Patriot Act proscribed person’s list but middle America or bible-belt America or whatever continues to ignore that request…

So what has it really cost you to be such ignorant assholes in the real world America?

Ohio-boy over and out…

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