So explain which bit’s true Weinstein…

Rasputin’s Knight of Malta chums stole Rus-gold to create the Fed, then faked his death…

Then, in case you forgot, in 1933 the Fed financed Hitler to loot Europe’s gold for them…

This isn’t conspiracy theory, it isn’t a theory, it’s a brief overview of an Aryan conspiracy…

These are large subjects, often with very contradictory perspectives, and, they’ll always lie…

So now here you are, you’re here and here you are, right here, right here buried in bullshit…

I’m probably kicking a dead horse tho because you just wouldn’t have a clue would you?

Coming soon to a DRumpf-universe near you, 2022 midterm elections, god this is exciting…

I’m so excited I’m almost tempted to try to sell you a fantasy about the 5th Amendment…

Something about Govt being obliged to plainly tell you what it has, or is, accusing you of…

But Washington will claim Joe Average don’t get it, they always claim he just don’t get it…

Is it the humor that throws you off, is it me cracking puns over American political stupidity?

If that’s it then maybe I’d better stop doing that, some time in the next lifetime maybe…

Until then, better respond to my 5th and let me answer those lying bastards in real time…

At the risk of being pointless, responding to my (Ohio-born) constitutional rights is the perfect way you can sort of Sedgeway into the subject of restoring your own rights, specifically, respond to my 5th which has been abused by your masters since around about the time your CIA sliced my birth mother’s daughter’s tits off, she was my sister in case you don’t get it yet, her name was Mary…

I’m a witness to other US Govt crimes against humanity too so get real for fcuk’s sake…

You’re only excuses are no balls, no brains, no heart, no soul, or just no opportunity…

All dead serious still, those selling Skippy the Vaxx wouldn’t pass a lie-detector test…

As for those clowns selling that in America? ~ After their Sept 11 farce? ~ What a joke…

Seems like the whole world needs a treason amnesty before the next round of genocide…


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