The greatest Patriot Act in the world!

Some sort of Chinese bat-virus pandemic (Masonic cover-story) still corrupting your thinking?

Okay now I’m stunned, are all you turkeys really that stupid, or are you just pretending to be?

The graphic of Biden and the one before it aren’t slander, they’re accurate Patriot Act humor…

And here too, a wee bit more Patriot Act humor for the triple-vaccinated Patriot Act sucker…

So you knew two jets into 3 skyscrapers is stupid on a mathematically-existential level kid?

Then it’s straight back to moronic (Masonic) Washington’s never-ending Patriot Act treason…

According to me the greatest Patriot Act in the world was 1933 when the Fed financed Nazis…

Second greatest Patriot Act (In the world) was Sept 11 with Tinman Strawman and the Lyin’

The third greatest Patriot Act might prove to be the denial over the theft of Afghan Lithium…

All that Lithium for all those Lithium-ion batteries, they never stop lying to you America…

Fourth greatest Patriot Act might be identity swaps, and why didn’t the FBI do something…

Don’t forget the Russian angle there, see, there really IS  a conspiracy, and, it’s a big one…

Now I’ve a strange perspective to voice which may disturb some people, no doubt self-righteous types may even try to pretend outrage but, it’s my right to express this opinion and all the more so because the facts are accurate ~ I’d only been a very small boy when the real American-born son of Prescott known as George Herbert Walker Bush told me it was simply impossible for the Hebrew Christ to have been resurrected like the New Testament claims as his blood was drained while he was hanging on the cross and then his cadaver was literally butchered cooked and eaten by the high priests after Pilate gave Joseph of Arimathea the corpse, thus at the time of the purported resurrection he would have been literally about to come out of the high priest’s backsides…

Well that’s what he said, I’d only been 5 years old and it did sound a little strange…

That’s a picture of him there, that’s not the 41st president, a different man entirely…

Today’s banner-graphic re-pasted so you get the point, Rasputin’s Aryan brotherhood…

That man in the graphic just above here whom all of America knows and loves (Snigger) as it’s 41st president isn’t the same man in the graphic pictured next to 10 y\o me, by the way that photo of me was taken about a week after I’d witnessed the Beaumont murders ~ I’ll try to get to the point in a roundabout way, one step closer to that point is the Australian Beaumont child murders were the 13th 14th and 15th child murders that I’d witnessed the Central Intelligence Agency perform and that German-born man whom America wrongly calls George Herbert Walker performed three of them while the American-born son of Prescott performed zero, or at least not in front of me…

That American-born gay Yale baseball player x CIA employee George Herbert Walker was the first one I’m able to remember telling me the fate of my birth mother that wretched cursed day in Ohio when the Aryan Nazi pigs sliced me and my twin (Sister) out of our mother’s womb after which she was forced to watch her babies being abused and then slowly tortured to death then butchered cooked and eaten in the same type of sicko cabalistic ritual as some said (Including him) befell the supposedly resurrected Hebrew Christ, that was probably why he told me stuff about the Christ’s fate as in not so much a religious instruction motive to help me avoid the pitfalls and traps of what is maybe the most deluded religion on earth, he was more likely than not trying to slowly bring the concept into a 5 y\o mind that not only was his real birth mother dead, she’d been fcuking eaten…

What’s an Ohio-born baby-snatched sex-slave-traded boy’s troubles got to do with Skippy?

That’s Joanne Ratcliffe’s torture-killer next to PM Keating, notice anything similar do you?

Once again, some more information that may place some Australian Police under duress…

That’d be in addition to them covering up all the suspicious deaths labeled as the Covid…

At some time back in 1975 and I’ll freely admit I’m unable to place the exact month it occurred without spending a few weeks talking to friends and acquaintances from that era, I’d been once again drugged by CIA like had been happening ever since I’d been a toddler in Broken Hill back in the 1950’s and I’d been brought over to the city I’m now in from the city of Adelaide in the state of South Australia where I’d spent the majority of my childhood years, then I’d sort of regained some form of drugged consciousness if you wish to call it that in a largish house over in the Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy, a house which just happened to be a few doors down from where I’d again been staying in 2004 of all places at the time America’s premier intelligence service abducted me and gave me a half hour of the worst torture I’d ever experienced in my entire life and that covered well over 50 such incidents from early childhood ~ At that house (1975) and conscious I’d been taken to a room where the pig who murdered the Beaumont children was standing next to a baby laying face up on a table and it was all kind of cool, the baby was looking up at him and sort of gurgling as babies do before they learn words when BANG ~ He pulled a large bayonet out of nowhere and nails the poor little thing to the table, literally stuck it thru the chest to the table so as any normal young man would do, even tho still slightly drugged I’d fired up and took a few steps towards him and demanded he take the bayonet out of the baby, obviously the child was dead but I’d simply had a total rage moment if you will and demanded he immediately remove the bayonet tho that would not have been of any benefit to that innocent little child, now if that wasn’t a dirty enough move for the greatest nation in the world to spring on an unsuspecting man, get this next part…

I’d been heavily drugged again, the same hypnotic stuff CIA used to use on the Palestinian suicide bombers that it had brainwashed with the same MK-Ultra stuff to strap on suicide belts and then go and blow up a bunch of people they didn’t even know, same stuff they’d used on me since my very early childhood, walked back into another room where the poor little baby was once again stuck to another table with the same bayonet, with a camera pointed at the baby ~ And Yeah I’d been heavily drugged but ever since around 4 years old I’d trained myself to notice and remember even minor details while they did their brainwashing shit ~ So there was me drugged shitless and this low cnut tells me to pull the bayonet out of the child, which I’d done, I’m taken off to the side and some other guy put the bayonet back in, firmly sticking the baby’s corpse to the table again and again I’m told to pull the bayonet out ~ The 4th or 5th time I’d snapped, pulled the thing out and glared at both the low cnut doing the talking and at the camera ~ He said something like that should do and around five or ten minutes later who should come into the room but the future 41st president of the biggest frauds in history ~ Seeing your political machine will go into denial mode about anything I’ve said I’ll add that about half an hour before the baby’s death none other than Donald (Bloody) Rumsfeld, the one and only original Grassy Knoll shooter, was there, another one of Prescott’s illegitimate Aryan offspring in case you never knew, and one more time you frauds, they always flew in thru Pine Gap and they always used lookalikes to cover their absence…

Later they took the film to Langley, recorded it in reverse, then said I’d bayonetted the bub…

PS: Prescott was Hitler’s half-brother, so that makes Rumsfeld and 41 Hitler’s nephews…

Now have yourselves a very happy delusion on the 21st anniversary of your Coup d’Etat…

To those of you waiting for Jesus to return, well Um, Um, Er, spend your time wisely…

I’ve just given witness to a baby being bayonetted, not really much of a joke is it, not really…

Either me myself, or Washington, is totally lying, have you worked out which one yet?

These were crimes against humanity, they’re the worst kind of crimes against humanity…



A spoiler for a future post, a post mostly about Washington’s illegitimate royal bloodlines…

Maybe it might explain why an American treason amnesty is the only real hope truth has left…

If you think these posts are a joke then, maybe Cessna Pilots really did demolish skyscrapers?

And Prescott Bush looking like Hitler’s half-brother was simply some really rotten bad luck?

And bats, Chinese bats, attacked the most powerful economy the world has ever known…

You’re losing because you didn’t respond to my Ohio-born 5th Amendment…

It was the perfect way to catch those Machiavellian liars out on 60+ years of total bullshit…

I’m not sure precisely how stupid you think you are America but just in case you’re not quite as dumb as that Cessna Pilot x New York skyscraper farce implies, your US Federal reserve banking system that was created in 1913 has been totally asset-stripping you since the early 1920’s and it was created with gold the Knight of Malta Masonic chums of the Rus-born Aryan monk Rasputin stole from Russia around 1907 ~ Everyone who isn’t braindead knows that the Reaganomics farce was simply the US Fed using Nazi-gold-generated junk bonds to asset strip you again, so anyway you look at it the Ukrainian-born Faux-Trump you pretend was the American born DJ DRumpf was just one more rusty (Made in Russia) nail in the coffin of the old American republic wasn’t it now…

One of Rasputin’s other illegitimate grandsons told you there was no Russian collusion Huh?

Russia has quite a foothold in America don’t they, just as well they got Germany to blame…

Prescott Bush’s half-brother Kutschmann next to another Rasputin grandson…

You still haven’t responded to my 5th yet, dumber than dogshit aren’t you folks…


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