Heads-up, the greatest story ever told

You do remember what the 1st Amendment is for don’t you America, don’t you…

Mostly it’s for people disagreeing with the church and\or the state, or even both…

Now here’s my dissenting version of their official story of the past 6000 years starting with the omnipotent omnipresent angry invisible Abrahamic Aryan cosmic magi creating the world in six days then (Presumably) taking a 400 million year nap on the seventh day while dinosaurs left the stage which obviously doesn’t appear on their biblical calendar because the Lord was asleep and nobody wanted to wake him to ask his opinion ~ Perhaps during that seventh-day siesta he was creating his alter-ego Lucifer in his sleep as both the devil to test the people’s faith or merely as a blame boy to take the rap for any crap that went pear-shaped ~ You couldn’t deny that either way the world has seen some equally great stories unfold since the days of the creation such as a slave race chosen by that invisible cosmic magician as his chosen race being loaned the entire national wealth of Egypt ostensibly simply because they asked nicely maybe, and then that angry invisible creationist deity killing all the Egyptian firstborn before helping Moses part the Red Sea while a chosen race of Egyptian ex-slaves made a hasty escape with the loot, but it didn’t end there…

A few thousand years after that a Judean preacher called the Christ who could trace his ancestry back to the patriarch Abram walked on water and fed 5000 people with two fish and seven loaves of bread before the Roman authorities decided to act to shut him down using the Roman version of a Patriot Act ~ You know the rest, crucified, dead, buried, rose on the 3rd day to sit at the right hand of the same omnipotent omnipresent angry invisible Abrahamic cosmic magician who started it all and was, according to the official story, literally him (sic) himself at the same time, two parts of the trinity elite in total harmony, it’s worthwhile noting that same greatest story ever told claims that he’s returning soon to judge the quick and the dead, or at least that’s what they claim…

Tho that’s a pretty good story thus far in the context of this post’s title “Greatest story ever told”  it’s maybe worthwhile noting that to my mind two radical Islamic Cessna Pilots worshipping the same angry invisible omnipotent omnipresent Abrahamic cosmic magician deity as Jews and Christians do but calling him by another name knocking three New York skyscrapers down with only two jets collectively weighing maybe one 6000th of the weight of those skyscrapers has to be up there with the original, worthy of an honorable mention if not equal status, so hopefully either the Jehovah of the Jews and Christians or the irresistible angry will of the Allah of Islam will return with their wise judgment to fix the unholy fcuking mess they created but probably not before their Aryan creators succeeded in using the offspring of WW2 Aryan Nazis to fulfill their quest to genocide the entire human race and replace it with something Mengele also cooked up in a fcuking laboratory…

And no that’s not a joke you cockheads, none of it is, it’s all dead serious, all of it is, period…

Washington is getting away with treating you like sheep America, like fcuking sheep…

Please stop round about there to consider that section above in the larger context…

One of those contexts needs to be, does anyone still have any credibility left…


And that’s my Ohio-born 1st Amendment, now where’s my 5th you bastards…

Sure you don’t want to respond to my 5th yet America, what about any of it?

Can’t you see what Masonic Sept 11 conspirators are doing with their fascism?

Merely as an afterthought, I’ve got a biblical message for cops enforcing mask mandates…

But it was too rude so I’ve just done that graphic instead, for ALL‘  police the world over…

And that one there, specifically for American police, do you get-it yet?

If you weren’t idiots you’d know I’m implying there’s a larger conspiracy…

Guess if you were idiots you’d have let Washington mock my political perspectives and even my common sense by claiming I’m confusing the Cheyanne Mountain complex with a tri-state Dulce Oklahoma bunker in the graphic immediately underneath this extra edited paragraph but that’s only if you were idiots, perhaps idiots enough to forget the facts of the fairly recent Sept 11 treason even yet just note, I’ve called the Dulce Oklahoma base the tri-state bunker system and that was 20 years ago it had that nickname ~ Fact is it really is a tri-state bunker system stretching out beyond three states so no, I’m not confusing the two, those slave-labor built taxpayer-funded bunkers are 100% certain to be connected via a network of tunnels tho what that graphic really attempts to imply is your ruling Masons control the surface entrances and their WW2 Odessa-Nazi masters control the bunkers themselves, anyone who thinks otherwise is indeed a total fcuking idiot…

The conspiracy invaded Poland, fcuking wrecked Europe, and dug big holes too…

And they used the citizen’s taxes to pay for those holes they dug for themselves…

It also loaned looted European gold to the US Fed in 73′ and that’s how they gotcha…

Those Knight of Malta criminals are making you guys look like you’re all patsies…

Like you’re all in some B-Grade Hollywood tough guy comedy from the 30’s maybe…

Will the Patriot Act shill this July 4th mention you need a 100% treason amnesty?

Ho wait, but first, you’d have to admit to treason wouldn’t you Yankee…

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