Simple joke-posts would be funnier…

That one above was originally the featured graphic, but, it’s not very funny is it, not really…

Read the posts carefully, study the graphics, take your time, think, try to believe nothing…

Whatever history books pretend, that’s Rasputin’s Aryan-son SS Kutschmann…

As I’ve often stated, Odessa SS Kutschmann was Joanne Ratcliffe’s torture-killer…

You’d be excused for wondering why Hans Blinken looks so much like him…

Or excused for wondering why the world is falling to that Aryan Covid lie…

In case you forgot, waaay back in 1933 the US Fed financed that fascist shit…

Aryans are an ancient Iranian race, the Jewish patriarch was one of them…

The patriarch may have been born in Babylon, but his bloodline was Aryan…

The Aryan has and always has had a very specific literal ritual-murder religion…

From its beginning 400 years ago the Masonic Lodge was a mask for their crime…

They were always pretty big on an intranational resource-theft level too, always…

After Kutschmann tortured Joanne Ratcliffe to death, Masons protected him…

Those Masons protected his offspring too, raising many to positions of power…

They’ve had a real easy ride thanks to his majesty’s district of Columbia Corporation…

The same corporation that made up bat-virus bedtime stories to scare your children…

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it think goes the old saying…

So what you make of this maybe pointless 1st Amendment exercise of mine?

The one that dissents from pretty-much every official story that you’re told?

The one that questions every single premise Washington sells to everyone?

Like, it’ll be the 4th of July soon won’t it, so that’ll mean something, right?

Something deep and meaningful, something true, something decent even?

Ever since a pommy cinematographer named Maslyn Williams who was working for America’s premier intelligence (sic) agency filming their pedophile political-blackmail movies as well as their child snuff-movies abducted young Joanne Ratcliffe then handed her over to CIA who themselves handed her over to Odessa SS Walter Kutschmann and his fellow Odessa Nazi’s to be tortured to death in the foulest method possible, said method being to have her insides slowly dragged out of her bottom which was his speciality, I’ve sort of understood that although I’d been born in Ohio, America was likely to become my eternal enemy by nature of who really governs her…

Yet still my attempt to keep a SOH while documenting crimes against humanity…

None of it’s funny if you understand the deeper implications involved…

There’s been a shitload of batty criminal conspiracy going down here…

Take this video for instance, it’s batty, and it mocks a batty conspiracy too…

For me, a heavily-bearded man, once again, the subject of compulsory mask-mandate laws and the idiocy of police enforcing the wearing of masks arises to the point where simple practicality aside, no matter how many ridiculous laws the state Govt may pass and the state-police obligingly police (sic) I’m just not comfortable doing what dishonest idiots of the fascist kind want me to do because not only is wearing the mask when it’s patently impractical on a scientific level absurd, by that I’m saying those masks just don’t work when controlling the water vapor of one’s breath on which the imaginary virus can supposedly contact other people, there’s also the issue that for a bearded man they just wouldn’t work anyway, because even if they did work on clean-shaven men which that oft-posted graphic of the man in Minnesota proves they don’t, they wouldn’t work for me…

Anyway, that was my Ohio-born 5th Amendment I’m still waiting on America…

Plus solid real-time support in Oz right now to pay for a barrister in Australia…

To professionally write down all those CIA child-torture murders I’d witnessed…

They still claim this is all crazy, all those Masonic Aryan shysters in Washington?

The same ones that told you that two jets
knocked down three skyscrapers so they need
to invade Afghanistan where trillions of dollars
of high-grade Afghan Lithium comes from?

You act like you’re dumber than dogshit sometimes Yankee Doodle…

Serious? ~ One and a half million innocent Muslims dead in the Mid East…

Simply for the sake of anyone untrained in the deeper skills of Masonic political intrigue that all those who pulled the Sept 11 Coup on the US Constitution are using on America and on the wider world at large, I’ll attempt to explain this post for you in layman’s terms starting with the header which I’ll repost here for when I’ve changed it later, it’s almost witty in its perspectives isn’t it…

There’s your Biden mask-mandate law in effect, laws requiring everyone to mask up even tho the mask provides zero scientifically provable advantage in stopping the spread of a real virus let alone one made up to coerce you folk into a mindless browbeating servitude to stupid fascist dictates…

Then there’s the Sept 11 Coup Spy Vs Spy graphic featuring WTC7 and the fact that it would have taken over 6 months to wire up CIA’s New York headquarters to collapse a building with solid steel girders like that, and then there’s me with a monkey dancing on my head followed by Lady Liberty and Captain America, or Daffy Fcuk or whatever you want to call him, beginning to wake up to the degree cash from Afghan Lithium stolen from Afghanistan then refined in China, money that also corrupts the Chinese political system, seriously corrupts America’s political system coming into the period of July 4th patriotism that all Daffy Dcukerz (sic) and true patriots as well probably respond positively to, or think they do ~ And then there’s the midterm elections where one more time the Masonic political machine that has always ruled you is going to totally blow you all off from both sides with what they often call a bipartisan conscensus in public when behind the scenes it merely consists of opposing talking points they’ve all agreed to publically disagree with so as to make you think they’re each opposing the other side while in reality, they con you, every single day…

And then there’s the world Rasputin\Kutschmann Aryan blood cult…

And America, acting like she’s Babylon’s best friend again…

Around 20 years ago which was 40 odd years after
the US Govt was pulling all-night torture sessions on
me as a defiant 3 y\o boy, they pulled a Stalinist-style
high-tech surgical lobotomy on this writer using a glass
fiber laser slowly forced up the nose without anesthetic
to cauterize around 90% of the blood supply to my brain’s
frontal lobes, taking that into account I’m doing just fine,
maybe a bit slow, but, I’m doing better than you would…

I’m waiting to give evidence on CIA child-torture murders…

Still funny?

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