The big state-sanctioned murder gig…

That child immediately above was Joanne Ratcliffe, she was tortured to death…

That’s her killer pictured in between his illegitimate father and bastard sister…

I’m a witness, on the night of Joanne’s death I’d seen him beginning his torture of her…

There’s that same man with 5 of his Mengele-sourced biological offspring, you get-it?

You don’t still believe what those Aryan-clowns are telling you do you, well do you?

You’re being lied to by their (Masonic) Order of the Ages, lied to about everything…

A question, how many suspicious deaths have been labelled Covid-19 fatalities now?

Is it possible that none of you have any concept of how evil pursues its agendas?

Any way you look at it the answer is go fcuk yourself Skip, just go fcuk yourself…

Aryan fascists will literally kill you if you don’t do what you’re told Skippy, true…

But eventually, they’ll kill you anyway, even if you obey, won’t you feel stupid after?

The same goes for all of those Yankee-Doodles too, they’re all being suckered large…

Still no practical resource-support from any of you clowns ~ Oh-Well…

For me WW3 started in 1963 when they beat my Step-mom with an iron bar…

For the rest of you whether or not you agree it began with Sept 11 treason…

Overall context to my approach in writing these political blogs in my 64th year…

Considering deliberate brain damage done by the American Govt in a private Catholic hospital in Canberra that involved cauterizing 90% of the blood supply to my frontal lobes to try to shut down a potential witness, for a little under 15 years now bit by bit I’ve been slowly and I’d like to think as clearly and as best as humanely possible documenting crimes against humanity by Washington DC and I’d like to think I’ve often done so in an orderly fashion ~ These crimes were all performed both against me myself as a child and also against other children in front of me by men working for the same political machine as sold the US and the rest of the world the idea that two Cessna Pilots knocked down three skyscrapers, yes that’s right, the one that always tells lies, and it’s the same political machine selling you the Covid-19 vaccine low-IQ trainwreck so they need to be brought into the light of full public scrutiny for the sake of any other truths you may think you cherish…

For this bit immediately below the denials are usually pretty predictable…

Claiming they’re not on immigration records so couldn’t have been here…

That said, again in context it’s right to highlight the fact that on Sept 11 America had a VP and a defense secretary whom I’d witnessed between them literally torture eight little Aboriginal babies to death in 1964 and 1965 and early 1966 and it’s those same Knight of Malta Masonic men who’ve sold all you servile sons of bitches north of the Mexican border the idea that Cessna Pilots could fly commercial passenger jets and that two of those commercial passenger jets weighing one 6000th of the combined weight of those three New York skyscrapers could simply knock them down…

For the benefit of those with a low IQ or any who are just plain stupid I’ve prepared the following obviously insane (sic) graphic to highlight in an allegorical sense precisely how stupid that concept was yet you all bought it and still let Washington define political dialogue for you even when you must know by now that even the few truths they may accidentally tell always come out as lies…

And now you got a nasty bat-virus that’s wrecked your economy right America?

Just as well it wasn’t that German x Nazigold x Reaganomics asset-stripping…

Because then America would have to get off its fat ass and govern itself…

And you Skippy, want some solemn words of advice for the greatest country on earth?

Offspring of Joanne Ratcliffe’s torture-killer are in full takeover mode, beware…

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