A crescendo of absolute irrelevance…

Someone in Washington will treat you like an idiot any time they think you’re stupid…

This is definitely a world-record 20-yr HEEEEY STUPID moment if ever there was one…

Washington told you face masks will protect you from an imaginary bat virus right?

They told you Cessna Pilots knock skyscrapers down too, skyscrapers, heeey stupid…

So before you politically mock the simplicity of my mockery, let’s backtrack a bit…

Matter of fact lets backtrack a LOT with a review of the last few hundred years under world Aryan domination starting with the factoid you may have never heard before, said factoid being that the Aryan master race whom Adolf Hitler referred to is a specific race practicing ritual murders as in a torture-murder followed by ritual human blood-drinking and cannibalism ~ They originally sprang from old world Iran a bit under 10,000 years ago and created the Jewish myth as the eventual cover story for their theft of Egypt’s gold (The Jewish patriarch Abram was Aryan) and in the modern world have used the elite Prussian descent German Freemasons and then the secretly German descent British Freemason as their masks for over 400 years of profitable Luciferian criminality, in other words an extremely profitable ancient Luciferian bloodline cum-secret society criminal cabal…

Here’s one of them here, an illegitimate Queen’s cousin, Odessa SS Walter Kutschmann…

Notice he’s pictured next to an illegitimate sister, Golda Meir, both sides all wrapped up…

This isn’t fantasy, it isn’t a conspiracy theory, bloodlines are what keeps evil functioning…

Here’s a picture of one of his torture victims, he literally tore her insides out of her bum…

All thru my tortured childhood, over and over again the Aryan fascist threw their perspective of  reality in my face, they were the bad (Evil) guys and thru their Knight of Malta controlled Masonic Lodges they manipulated any good guys in any situation, they proved it often enough for me to tell them straight out that I’d gotten the point but, for various reasons they never listened, one of those reasons was understandable enough, they live such a total all-encompassing top-down lie that all reality for them consists of warping everyone else’s reality so as to maintain control, however the sad dirty-dirty lowdown truth is they’re even more warped than that ~ They’re evil, but that on its own doesn’t even come close to explaining all the methods and madness, truth be told they only promote those among them who’ve committed ritual murder firsthand, ritual murder is a torture murder where after the murder the victim is eaten, that I’d sort of accepted as the shitty world I’d been born into but they’re also addicted to schadenfreude large, it pretty-much motivates every part of everything they do, and it’s that schadenfreude that I’ve found so unbearably weighty…

They’ve always run both sides of everything, everything, like in a dictionary, dildoheads…

Through intermarriage in royalty and control of the world Masonic Lodges, they kept the largest conspiracy in history ticking over very profitably, a $100 million dollar cash bearer bond theft rort which netted them the equivalent of between $1-8 trillion dollars in today’s money from the Boss Tweed x honest Abe Lincoln Masonic tax-money conspiracy was their deal, that was soon followed by America’s natural resource Masonic robber-baron theft which went down in the 19th century and is solely their deal and their’s alone, then the Russian gold theft under King George’s cousin Czar Nicholas in 1907 and then the extremely brutal theft of the Chinese gold from Nanking…

In case you forgot, the Masonic Aryan masters used the Rus’ gold to create the US Fed…

That was in the latter 1920’s they stole China’s gold tho, it all appears to have been in tandem with the 1929 US Fed Wall St crash asset-strip, then came Roosevelt’s theft of American gold in 1933 and then the (Prusso-Aryan owned) private US Fed banks which they originally created with the Russian gold they stole was used to finance the Aryan Nazi German National Socialism master race jackals to loot Europe’s gold while the Italians under the Aryan Freemason Mussolini that London Square Mile banks had financed pulled the theft of Ethiopian gold, all while (More) South African gold and diamonds were being stolen, then with the help of America again they stole all of the gold held by the Chinese merchants in South Vietnam and then very brutally stole Cambodia’s gold, all while the Aryan (Illegitimate Prescott ) descent Richard Millhouse Nixon bombed the hell out of it and in the process forced a million brutalized Cambodians into slavery in Mao’s Communist China…

And just for the record sillies, a birth certificate is a piece of paper…

Take those two famous international diplomats above as an example…

Who impregnated a mother is never proven by a piece of paper is it…

Said whoever impregnated a mother is never proven by birth certificates is it now…

So back to my Readers Digest encyclopedic version of the last 200 years of history…

Ignoring the US and British oil theft in the Mid East, Iraq’s gold which was being held at Fallujah was stolen along with the theft of $1 billion dollars in US banknotes by US Military that was being lawfully held in the Baghdad banks, and then $100’s of billions of dollars from 30 years of Libya’s oil wealth in gold at the port city of Benghazi at the time of the Obama\Biden embassy siege…

That was, as some of you less overly-fluoridated Americans know, after the theft of the WTC gold on Sept 11 during an attack by Radical Islamic Cessna Pilots (Snicker) which demolished three New York skyscrapers with only two passenger jets weighing maybe 1\6000th of the combined weight of all three buildings ~ So now there’s the high-grade Afghan Lithium ore theft, very probably its the biggest ever single crime in history moneywise, trillions of dollars of it are being stolen and shipped down into Aryan controlled China for processing while America sleeps, or is that while America plays the biblical Whore of Babylon for her Aryan Masonic masters by protecting the growers of opium there in Afghanistan, which, surprise, is merely a billion-dollar industry…

Your education is now complete, the Masonic Aryan crime cabal is very profitable…

Okay average American Yankee-Doodle, should YOU really be mocking my mockery?

Once you get into larger perspectives, which is what 99.98% of my posts are about…

Here’s how I’m seeing America nearly 20 years after the Patriot Act hypocrisy began…

That’s on behalf of myself and all the other innocent children you tortured into silence…

Any of you on the dumb side of docile might have allowed the media to bewitch you to the point where you forgot things like estimates that wiring a building like WTC7 up for demolition would have taken around six months of full open access to all areas, a bit suspicious if you also remember that CIA had it’s New York office in WTC7 too, not to mention things like the gold in the WTC vaults going missing on the same day as the warriors of Islam struck, as well as things like the fact there were no planes hitting a skyscraper in New York on that day anyway, ergo, you got lied to large…

Think of the number of times you were lied to, then beware what’s next America…

Again, take time to stop and think, remember how many times you were lied to…

Back when the Twin Towers were being constructed with a company Prescott Bush once owned acting as the Building Supervisors, I’d learned that for the first time in history all those steel girders supporting the structure were being clad in asbestos, which, if you think about it in any sane way is pretty fcuking bizarre as a factoid on its own, also learning from the same source who happened to be a German-born (Think about it) twin brother of America’s 41st president that the reason for the asbestos cladding was to retain heat for slow-burn thermite charges underneath the asbestos…

In case you’re a bit slow it means that it was all placed there as they were being built…

All of that was needed to effectively cut those steel girders before additional explosives were used to take down the outer structure essentially holding it together, but that’s not all, I’d also learned what you call “HUTCHINSON FIELD GENERATORS” which could be tuned to get the molecules of anything to weaken were built into both towers and probably WTC7 as a way to further destabilise the steel girder superstructure on cue ~ I’d also learned in the 90’s that computer generated video would be used to create the appearance of jets hitting the towers to provide the excuses needed to send the US Military into Afghanistan to steal high-grade Lithium ore they transport down into China to refine into batteries ~ While some accurate estimates place the eventual worth of that stolen Lithium in the $20 Trillion dollar ballpark, some people who are obviously far more cynical and well informed than me postulate the entire US Fed deficit as it now stands as well as being a consequence of their willingness to slyly spend the US taxpayer dollar to enslave people the world over plus a well documented 4+ decade Nazi-gold Reaganomics asset-stripping by Masonic perps of this sham, is the main vehicle used to launder cash from Lithium stolen from Afghanistan…

I’m implying if you’re on a Duh-side of (Duh) docile then you may have forgotten all that…

Many like to pretend they get the point, but, refuse to respond, so they don’t get it…

If you still ignore my Ohio-born 5th you’ll lose more of your own rights as you do…

Again a short comment on belief ~ Nearly 58 yrs ago as a sweet little devil being terrorised by CIA I’d tried hard to believe that a magic bullet killed an American president in Dealy Plaza but failed, partly cause Army Ranger Sandman told me it was HIM on the Grassy Knoll and not Oswald in the Texas School Book Depository and it wasn’t even JFK in the Limo anyway ~ Then 53 yrs ago I’d tried hard to believe Apollo missions landed on the moon like Washington said but failed cause a bad man called Ulrique told me it was fake and explained why scientifically, then nearly 20 yrs ago I’d tried hard to believe radical Islamic Cessna Pilots could fly commercial passenger jets and 2 such jets could demolish 3 skyscrapers but failed for two reasons, first being Ulrique again, a retired US Air Force fighter bomber pilot in WW2 who was working for CIA using the name of his American born half brother, he’d taken the time to explain to me in the 1960’s that that’s simply impossible, Cessna Pilots can’t fly passenger jets, not to mention the absurdity of 2 jets knocking 3 skyscrapers down which I’d worked out myself, and now they claim that a pandemic from a mutating Chinese bat virus is causing world Govt’s to mandate the loss of civil liberties and screwing all economies everywhere but if we all do what Govt tell us to everything will be #AOk Yankee again soon?

There is no love without justice and no justice without truth an old whore once told me…

I’m not seeing any justice myself from America, none at all for over six decades already…

You really need to hear what CIA did to babies in Australia in the 60’s America…

And yet again a short repeated written comment ~ Real friends got me two years of top-shelf Platinum Plus private no CoPay healthcare because they were friends, supporters got the means together for 50+ days with a barrister to write down my evidence in a professional manner about the 20 child murders I’d witnessed the US CIA do firsthand by the time I’d turned 13 years old…

Any sort of honorable upright American responded to my Ohio-born 5th Amendment by telling me the precise allegation or accusation Biden used to place me on the USA Patriot Act proscribed person list making that one act of genuine resistance to Washington’s criminality a core element to whatever other aims their various groups respond to, while any woman who really loved me in the sense of real love (And wasn’t already dead) respectfully offered to clean my flat up for me and even wash my clothes ~ Those who did none of the above most likely weren’t real friends andor weren’t true supporters and weren’t all honorable and weren’t upright and didn’t really love me in any way whatsoever, for whatever reason, like patriotism in the US Congress, they were just faking it…

None of that is a joke, nothing in this entire post is just a fcuking joke America…

Try not to confuse my accurate sarcasm with humor…

Army ranger Rumsfeld (Sandman) and Dick Cheney…

Waiting for a barrister to write down my evidence, not for Washington to tell the truth…

If you choose to continue pretending then soon enough truth itself will be doomed…

Now as man whose biological father was a WW2 Nazi I’ve something uncomfortably true to say to the entire German race, fellow Germans if you will, and in the context of this particular perspective meaning every single German who’s existed since an ancient Iranian (Aryan) military force invaded Gaul 2600 years ago and slaughtered all of the adult Celt males then inseminated all of the young Celt girls and little Celt-boys there ~ Thru the British monarchy Germans controlled the nation of Russia in WW1 and obviously Britain and also in case you never knew have run America since its inception as well as all other Euro nations involved in that tragedy, and despite what the movies imply Germans were in control of the Allied Forces in WW2 as well, literally, meaning twice in the last 120 years Germans have themselves destroyed their own country in war and I’ve got this to say about the plans of those who control the evil race I’d been born into ~ Twice already they wrecked their own country in a broad Masonic conspiracy seeking international dominance and control of average folk thru the use of genocide and war but, long ago I’d heard of a plan which calls for the complete high tech destruction of every major population center on earth, including Berlin…

Please don’t dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, I’d heard firsthand from well informed Nazis and other Germans about demolition teams from Odessa sabotaging the Ruhr valley dams and killing their fellow German’s in the process, arranging with German-descent Masons over in Britain for a cover story of the bouncing bombs to hide that shameful treasonous farce ~ Then the fire bombing of Dresden which again was arranged with friendly German-descent Masons in the Allied Bomber Command to get rid of a political problem, and finally the political problem they were trying to get rid of which was ordinary folk complaining about the German Army being deliberately stranded by the German High Command in the middle of a Russian Winter, and THAT is the real German…

Now again, I’ve also heard of a German plan to destroy Berlin, you think that’s a joke?

So in context, who do you think really attacked America on Sept 11 Yankee Doodle?

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