Our world’s manifest Aryan destiny…

Look out for the old guy pictured above, he’s a Redneck field-nigga comedian…

That’s him again in the middle just above here, he’s surrounded by idiots…

Lots of idiots work for those idiots and they’re often paid a lot of your money to do it…

This guy below here is just a clown, tho he used to be DC Corporation Chief Executive too…

So idiots come and idiots go, every 4 years, they mostly govern, idiots, prove me wrong…

Your Aryan corporate masters always rely on idiots to get away with conspiring…

Your Masonic Aryan masters will always rely on idiots to get away with conspiring…

That’s still the case at the very moment I’m writing this dry political-humor post…

A political-humor post that’s dead serious sucker, that’s dead serious, as in not a joke…

Skippy’s are busy pretending they aren’t aware of an idiot-Aryan takeover…

Anyway Skipp, barrister for CIA child-torture-murder evidence I’m prepared to give…

And you America, where’s my Ohio-born 5th you deluded Yankee-doodle Dandy-doo’s…

District of Columbia Corporation brickwalling you over the Afghan-Lithium x China link?

It’s a multi-trillion dollar resource theft not unlike what went down in Africa for 500 years when the Aryan Order of the Ages militarily defeated them and then placed interbred offspring in all of the positions of political power, killing off all who resisted, and some did, resist that is, but when they did resist as Russia found out in 1812 and China found out in the late 18th century a group of nations under Prusso-Aryan control soon invaded and then inseminated everything in sight…

Still struggling to work out what an Aryan Knight of Malta snake is, that the problem?

They’re an old Middle Eastern Luciferian bloodline ruling this present age of idiocy…

They’re going to kill us all one day whether you obey them or not, so beware, but chill…

While you’re not responding to my Ohio-born 5th there’s other things you’re missing…

Important things, real opportunities that don’t just come around that often…

Think about it if you can, if the vaccine hasn’t inoculated your intellect yet…

But if it already has inoculated your intellect, here’s another pun, plus an editorial…

If I’ve actually got any REAL readers on this subnet, I’ll talk you thru some posts…

The first post called Patriot Act clown knows all contains a short tongue-in-cheek explanation of the last 6000 years from a Judeo-Xtian viewpoint and then goes on to warn one and all about the deliberate build-up of fascism in China by America’s 41st president and goes on to warn everyone that the Aryan agenda is genocide using China as the weapon, then that post goes on to remind readers I’m a witness to US Govt crimes against humanity ~ The next post called Not getting no smarter are you folks contains an overview of the recent history of the US since the 1960’s tho the page seems a bit messed up, maybe it’s been hacked, who knows ~ The next one called This really is quite serious already gives a very short (And sarcastic) biblical overview and another repeat of my claim to have been born in Ohio and baby-snatched ~ The next post called their Masonic Lodge Corporate Fail is pretty boring sarcasm, someone should complain to this site’s owner which is me so just piss off and don’t bother ~ Then comes a post called The Official Stories and Secrets Act, briefly mentions stolen Afghan Lithium and mocks Washington’s Jan 6th repeat of a demo from some time back in 2019 maybe, ask an honest American living stateside if you can find one, the next post is called Redifining the Present Sad Dialogue and is simply a graphic post that raises large questions with few if any honest answers from Knight of Malta treason in Washington…

Remember this, two jets but 3 skyscrapers, Afghan Lithium, you’re full of shit America…

And the rest of the posts? ~ Read them yourselves you lazy bastards…

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