You’re a lying little fuggaaart Scomo!

Perhaps accurate symbolism escapes you, or else, perhaps you’re just an idiot?

When Adolf Hitler called Aryan’s the master race he was being very accurate…

An old race from ancient Iran who created the Jewish myth as a mask for evil…

The crimes they’ve committed under the banner of Rome are too many to list…

Anyway Scott, you lying little Aryan fuggart, I’m a witness you cnut, a witness…

Witness to crimes against humanity committed by CIA in Adelaide South Aust…

Here’s a link (Link) if you still have any kind of a spark of humanity left within you…

Now in the real world real people would understand that the real Aryan criminals within the world’s Masonic Lodges used the Sept 11 attacks both to remove constitutional protections from the American people but also, even more importantly for their agenda, to begin a full-scale attack on all truth’s everywhere right across the planet as they went about stealing first Iraq’s gold and then Libya’s gold and finally trillions of dollars of high-grade Afghan Lithium ore that they send down into Aryan controlled China to be turned into all manner of Lithium-ion battery tech…

All of that was done while Washington sold America their radical Islamic Cessna Pilot threat and now they’re selectively murdering people within a chemical slow-kill under the Wuhan-virus story, it’s a multi-trillion dollar criminal endeavor by a multi-trillion dollar criminal empire that currently outspends me in excess of at least one million to one each and every day this farce goes on so some real-world practical support with real-world resources would be nice, meaning, if you ever meet anyone from the real world, would you please give them an urgent message for me…

Here’s the original blog-header if you’re wondering where it’s gone, it’s right here…

Worldwide Aryan crime syndicate that made Europe a living hell for most folk…

Not typing too fast for you, let me know right away if there’s a problem, alright?

Maybe you’re curious how things got this way, how everything became a lie?

Like the old Spy Vs Spy thing says, I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you…

No seriously, I’m going to have to kill you now, no hard feelings, all good?

Cessna Pilots? ~ Two jets but three skyscrapers?

You’re idiots aren’t you America…

NB: ScoMo is Oz PM Scott Boremann’s
Twitter name or something like that as
in his Facebook, or Twitter, account…

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